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2007-08-30 10:47:52



美国癌症学会会员( active member)


博士:微生物生理与遗传, [ 法国 ] 巴黎南大学 / 居里研究院, 1994

硕士:分子生物学和生物化学, [ 法国 ] 斯特拉斯堡大学, 1989

学士:农学,吉林农业大学, 1985


细胞衰老及无限增殖化的分子机理端粒和端粒酶在细胞衰老和癌症发生两大基本的生物学现象中起重要作用。端粒酶的活性在人类胚胎发育过程中消失,细胞因分裂增殖导致端粒长度缩短和结构的破坏,从而诱导细胞衰老。端粒酶在细胞无限增殖化过程中重新被激活,在 90% 以上的各类癌细胞中有端粒酶的活性,是细胞无限分裂增殖的必要条件之一。因此,端粒酶与细胞增殖、衰老、调亡、无限增殖化及癌变密切相关。

本实验室总体目标是通过对 细胞衰老及无限增殖化 的分子机理、端粒酶活性调节及生物学功能等基础分子细胞生物学研究,揭示正常人体细胞从年轻到衰老以及无限增殖化过程的分子生物学基础,为有效控制衰老、预防和治疗衰老相关疾病、探索肿瘤发生和发展的分子机理奠定科学基础。


[1]. yu-sheng cong , ellen e. fan and eugenia wang ( 2006 ) .simultaneous proteomic profiling of four different states human fibroblasts using amine-reactive isobaric tagging reagents and mass spectrometer. mechanisms of aging and development . 127 : 332-343 ( 影响因子 : 2.866 )

[2]. mayya v., rezaul k., cong ys and han d ( 2005 ) . systematic comparison of a two-dimensional ion trap ans a three-dimemsional ion trap mass spectrometer in proteomics. molecular & cellular proteomics . 214-223. ( 影响因子 : 9.6, 引用次数 : 5 )

[3]. cheng-ta yang, jianming song, xuexian bu, jun-yi chen, yu-sheng cong , silvia bacchetti, paul rennie and william w.-g jia. (2003) herpes simplex virus type-1 infection upregulates cellular promoter and telo-merase activity in both tumor and non-tumor human cells. gene therapy 10: 1494-1502 ( 影响因子 :4.977, 引用次数 : 2 )

[4]. yu-sheng cong , woodring e. wright and jerry w. shay (2002). human telomerase and its regulation. (corresponding author) microbiology and molecular biology review 66: 407-425 ( 责任作者, 影响因子: 17.037, 引用次数:引用次数 : 88)


[5]. yu-sheng cong and silvia bacchetti (2000) histone deacetylation is involved in the transcriptional repres-sion of htert in normal human cells. journal of biological chemistry 275: 35665-35668 ( 影响因子 : 6.355, 引用次数 : 53)


[6]. silvia misiti, simona nanni, giulia fontemaggi, yu-sheng cong , jianping wen, giulia piaggio, ada sacchi, alfredo pontecorvi, silvia bacchetti and antonella farsetti. (2000) induction of htert expression and telomerase activity by estrogens in human ovary epithelium cells. molecular & cellular biology 20 (11): 3764-3771 ( 影响因子 : 7.822; 引用次数 :73 )


[7]. yu-sheng cong , jianping wen and silvia bacchetti. (1999) the human telomerase catalytic subunit htert: organization of the gene and characterization of the promoter. human molecular genetics 8 (1): 137-142. ( 影响因子 : 7.801; 引用次数 : 158)


[8]. jianping wen, yu-sheng cong and silvia bacchetti. (1998) reconstitution of wild-type or mutant telomer-ase activity in telomerase-negative immortal human cells. human molecular genetics 7 (7): 1137-1141 ( 影响因子 : 7.801; 引用次数 : 42)


[9]. azliyati azizan, yu-sheng cong , ken shain, bill tsai, ya-li yao, nancy olashaw and edward seto. (1998) transactivation by expression of the hepatitis b virus x protein with an inducible system. molecular biology report nov. 25: 231-236 ( 影响因子 : 1.2, 引用次数: 1 )


[10]. shang li, chia-yu ku, andrew a. farmer, yu-sheng cong , chi-fen chen and wen-hwa lee. (1998) identification of a novel cytoplasmic protein that specifically binds to nuclear localization signal motifs. journal of biological chemistry 273 (11): 6183-6189 ( 影响因子 : 6.35; 引用次数 : 41)


[11]. yu-sheng cong , ya-li yao, wen-wing yang, nadarajan kuzhandaivelu and edward seto. (1997) the hepatitis b virus x-associated protein, xap3, is a protein kinase c-binding protein. journal of biological chemistry 272 (26): 16482-16489 ( 影响因子 : 6.35; 引用次数 : 28)


[12]. nadarajan kuzhandaivelu, yu-sheng cong , carla inouye, wen-ming yang and edward seto. (1996) xap2, a novel hepatitis b virus x-associated protein that inhibits x transactivation. nucleic acid research 24 (23): 4741-4750 ( 影响因子 : 7.26; 引用次数 : 38)


[13]. m. viswanathan, g. muthukuma, yu-sheng cong and j. lenard. (1994). seripauperins: a new multigene family of saccaromyces cerevisiae encoding serine-poor relatives of serine-rich proteins. gene 148: 149-153 ( 影响因子 : 2.705; 引用次数 :25)


[14]. yu-sheng cong , d. yarrow, y.y. li and h. fukuhara. (1994). linear dna plasmid from the yeast, pichia etchellsii, debaryomyces hansenii and wingea robertsiae . microbiology (uk) 140: 1327-1335 ( 影响因子 : 3.114; 引用次数 : 20)


[15]. x.j. chen, yu-sheng cong , m. wesolowski-louvel, y.y. li and h. fukuhara. (1992). characterization of a circular plasmid from the yeast kluyveromyces waltii . journal of general microbiology (uk) 138: 337-345 ( 影响因子 : 3.114; 引用次数 : 8)


[16]. yu-sheng cong , m. wesolowski-louvel and h. fukuhara. (1994). creation of a functional promoter by rearrangement in kluyveromyces lactis linear plasmids. gene 147: 125-129 ( 影响因子 : 2.705; 引用次数 : 6)

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